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Executive Consulting & Coaching


I work with you on how leadership can be successful and inspiring.

Executive Coaching

Yes, I want to focus on my success.

Executive Consulting

I want success for me & my board team.

Executive Leadership

I want to take my entire management team with me on the road to success.

Your Executive Consultant & Coach – Linda Becker

Contact & appointment

“Remember, it’s the headwind that makes a kite fly.”

“Remember, it’s the headwind that makes a kite fly.”

Swedish proverb

Executive Coaching - Your success.

Executive Coaching – Your success.

It is a matter of attitude whether we fight massive headwinds or simply harness them to achieve our goals. Utilizing existing energy and consistently bringing about success is what you can expect from executive coaching with me: in-depth, reflective discussions that resonate and quickly bring about change.


consistently solution-oriented. inspiring. highly confidential.

Do the following topics move you?

  • You are at the top of the company and seek personal, confidential discussions in the background.
  • You are interested in reflecting on your external impact in order to constantly improve.

  • You are looking for a neutral discussion partner who has extensive practical experience and understands you.

  • You find yourself in a complex management constellation and need clarity quickly.

  • You want to quickly anchor your vision in your management circle and thus achieve direct success.

  • You are faced with relevant decisions and want to mirror options for action.
  • You need an overview of far-reaching, entrepreneurial control and strategy issues.
  • You are in a crisis and want to get back on track quickly.
  • You think fast, act accordingly and are looking for a sparring partner with whom you can work on all relevant points at eye level.
  • You want success.

Who is executive coaching suitable for?


wide-eyed joyful inwardly strong

Company owner

authentic trend-setting developing

Top Executives

clear courageous determined

Managing Director

foresighted focused powerful

I make time for you – two or four hours in the first executive coaching session – or a full day if required. There is a structured assessment of the current situation, a joint goal setting and identification of the factors that are relevant for your success. Effective results are achieved already in the first appointment. For your predictable success, 6 – 12 consecutive 2-hour sequences have proven successful, after which appointments are made as needed.

The greatest human achievements have come about through communication – the worst mistakes because people didn’t talk to each other.

The greatest human achievements have come about through communication – the worst mistakes because people didn’t talk to each other.

Stephen Hawking

Executive consulting - solution-oriented. successful.

Executive consulting – solution-oriented. successful.

Just as Stephen Hawking repeatedly asked “how” and “why” and thereby found the right answers, we communicate intensively with each other and pursue the questions about your issues until we have identified solutions that bear. Together, we illuminate the aspects that are decisive for your success in addition to the sober figures, data and facts.

It comes down to identifying the relevant factors that will cause your decisions to fail or succeed.

Define goals clearly and concretely
Identify & resolve resistance
Assess interpersonal dynamics
Illuminate your decision options
Thinking through the impact in strength & kind
Develop and implement sustainable solutions
Be successful in a plannable way
Define goals clearly and concretely
Identify & resolve resistance
Assess interpersonal dynamics
Illuminate your decision options
Thinking through the impact in strength & kind
Develop and implement sustainable solutions
Be successful in a plannable way


The following references will give you an idea of what topics we can work on together:

  • Board-level strategy workshop facilitation.
  • Advise board and executive teams for closely coordinated, successful interaction.
  • Continuous support and advice to ensure the achievement of objectives.
  • Forming trusting & success oriented relationship in board teams.
  • Preparation of investor meetings that lead to success.
  • Successful mediation between boards of directors, supervisory boards and shareholders.
  • Cascading company visions into clearly measurable goals and developing relevant measures for targeted success.
  • Support in building a sustainably successful organization as well as in adapting existing organizations.
  • Accompanying cultural change across all management levels.
  • Developing a strong Customer Journey for C-level customer development in the DAX-30 environment.
  • Authentic storytelling for businesses.
  • Development of a corporate identity – among other things as a result of complex carve-outs.

Succession advice for family entrepreneurs for a secure, successful handover.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

African proverb

Executive Leadership Programs - inspiring. successful.

Executive Leadership Teams – inspiring. successful.

As a business leader, you are concerned with changing your entire organization. You want to anchor the successful interplay of vision, strategy, structure and culture firmly together with your management team – with you, your board colleagues and your entire direct management team.


consistent. purposeful. successful.

The concept for your individual Executive Leadership Team will be created for you after a detailed, joint analysis phase. It has been shown that this enables changes to be made throughout the organization in a short period of time. Joint workshops with your board and executives are held at the beginning on short notice, creating a pull effect. Your leaders themselves carry the change throughout your organization.

Successful leadership has many facets. It is important to include the relevant soft factors. They are the reason why managers and employees enjoy performing excellently or perform mediocre or even poorly. The leadership model I developed, “leadership successful”, is therefore a starting point for the individually designed program. Numerous studies show that a continuous focus of 1.5 – 3 years is necessary for old patterns to be broken in the long term and for the new to become permanently entrenched in organizations. Especially in crises and particularly challenging situations, there is a danger that people will fall back into old patterns of thinking and behavior. Therefore, in order to ensure medium- and long-term anchoring in the organization, reflective meetings will take place. The aim is for you and your management team to hold the key to keeping your organization on course for success after completing the leadership programme.

Would you like an initial no-obligation strategy discussion?

Trust gives the conversation more substance than the mind.

Trust gives the conversation more substance than the mind.

François de la Rochefoucauld

My way - authentic. trustworthy. purposeful.

Focusing on your own energy is the key to successful action. In order to permanently master the challenges we face throughout our lives, access to our own energy is essential. LINDA BECKER. sees itself as a support for top executives to know, mobilize and bundle their own energy in order to be successful. The basis of our cooperation for this is authentic – trusting – goal-oriented.


Perceiving yourself as you are – that is the key to initiating change. Our cooperation is therefore authentic, consistent and binding. For you & for me.


Mutual sympathy and appreciation form the basis for our trusting, open and effective discussions. Enriching & sustainable.


With Executive Consulting & Coaching, I support you in reaching your goal on your own initiative.

All appointments are meaningful and remain firmly in the mind. What clients appreciate about our collaboration is the razor-sharp analytical ability and stringent development of their own personality in executive coaching, as well as the development of concrete options for action and solutions for functioning success strategies in leadership consulting. In feedback, customers report that they find the appointments profoundly transformative. You emerge strengthened and confident with a clear picture – both in executive coaching and in advising board teams and an entire management team.

In beautiful Chiemgau – in the valley, on the mountain, on Lake Chiemsee – and also throughout Germany and internationally. Together we define the right setting for your topics.

I believe in success. Always.

I believe in success. Always.

Linda Becker

Executive consultant and coach Linda Becker

Executive consultant and coach Linda Becker

“How we deal with ourselves, especially in times of crisis, is very important. We need to look and understand what is necessary in order to take the first step towards a solution. Believing in and trusting ourselves is the basis for being consistently successful.” Curiosity, enjoyment of challenges, strength of implementation, straightforwardness, courage and joie de vivre contribute to the success of my work. I am said to have great emotional stability, especially in crisis situations.


Understanding people – my interest and my passion at the same time.

  • What is behind people who are choleric, anxious, overconfident, aggressive, immoderate, nagging…? and what is the positive intention behind this behavior?
  • How do decisions arise and what do they have to do with our neural connections?
  • How can top leaders act creatively, calmly, solution-oriented, energetically, confidently and successfully even in phases of great pressure and extraordinary challenges?
  • How does leadership succeed and inspire?
  • How can success be planned for the long term – in good times and bad?

I get to the bottom of these issues with you and develop solutions together with you. It creates lasting inner strength that develops far away from ego.

When I was five years old, my mother fell seriously ill with cancer. The doctors gave her only a few years to live. Her goal was to have us children become independent as soon as possible so that we could go through life well, independent of her. She managed to do that and, fortunately, she herself survived for another 40 years. From her I learned to always look at life with optimism, that nothing is gained by complaining, but that it always goes on with a smile and consistently creating solutions. Both parents modeled for us that happiness lies in the little things and spreads from there. That is firmly rooted in me. My family is multicultural – has roots in Switzerland, Indonesia, Lower Bavaria and the Netherlands. For me, it was natural from an early age that different languages were spoken at the same table. Experiencing the qualities of different cultures and bringing them together is a great enrichment for me. Freedom is my highest good – it starts with my own thoughts and stops where it restricts other people’s freedom. Appreciating and preserving this is my innermost desire. “When I was 16, I swore to myself that I would act in such a way that I could always look in the mirror with a clear conscience. Tackling things with heart and soul – or consistently leaving them alone – is another principle that I still follow today. Acting in this way is a joy of life, very effective and successful.” I live in beautiful Chiemgau with my husband and our three children. The mountains there and the moving sea on the Atlantic coast in Spain are wonderful places for me – both to recharge my batteries and to create ideas.

You will be working with a highly experienced top executive consultant and executive coach: I work highly confidentially and closely with the top decision-makers of large, well-known and globally active companies. My clients include large corporations as well as medium-sized companies, start-ups and family entrepreneurs.


I worked successfully for 20 years in a DAX 30 company, was a top executive myself, worked in key account management, as Vice President HR and in the restructuring of country organizations. I know the key success factors in business and have worked with supervisory boards, management boards and managing directors worldwide on both corporate strategy and personal development issues.

Executive Consulting & Coaching

I have been working as a consultant for 10 years, 6 of which I have held supervisory board, board of directors and managing director positions. Since 2019, I have been focusing on executive consulting and executive coaching for business leaders, following my passion and dedicating myself fully to people.

Own further education

In his poem “Being young”, Marcus Aurelius wrote “You will remain young as long as you remain receptive”. According to this philosophy, I have been continuously educating myself for over 25 years and am, among other things, a certified trainer and coach. For many years I have been intensively involved with the latest findings in neuroscience and their effects on our conscious and subconscious decisions. This knowledge flows continuously into the cooperation with my customers.




Memberships & certificates


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You would like to have a first non-binding conversation?

I look forward to meeting you and working with you!

Contact us or directly request a Make an appointment.

Contact us or make an appointment directly.


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